STORY: After many nights of pouring rain and overcast skies, I finally was able to head out into the dark. And this time I brought my son. I've been chasing the Milky Way with him since he was ten all across Florida. Still, we've not had any luck this summer thanks to horrible weather and lousy timing with work. We scouted an area nearby looking for a suitable spot and came across Blackburn Point Park in Osprey, FL. The city of Venice still casts a vast light dome high up into the sky. However, the Milky Way was peeking out from behind it and the clouds. We had about 90 minutes before the clouds rolled back in. It isn't my best photo, but it was a great experience with my son.
IMAGE PARTICULARS - EXIF: Three exposures all taken with the same settings - bottom, middle, top - 20 seconds, f/2.8 ISO 1600. Focal length 24mm with & Tamron 24-70mm G2 on a Nikon D610. Files shot in RAW with Adobe RGB color space. Edits - Photomerge Pano in Lightroom Classic with necessary auto edits. Final edits in Aurora HDR 2019.