The Low Light Photo Group
What is Low Light Photography?
In its simplest definition - Creating photographic images with a small amount of light. However, this can describe a wide variety of pictures. Either you are taking photos in the shadows during the day, just after sunset, or in the middle of the night where only you can see the brightest objects. With cameras becoming better at capturing images, there are more and more opportunities with less light. You can record breathtaking and creative pictures of the night sky. Show the passing of light across the sensor with light painting—record amazing city scenes at night and peer into the shadows to see the minor things.
Who or What is the Low Light Photo Group?
The Group started in January of 2017 with about five active participants. It has developed into 20 to 25 active participants — an email list with over 250 people fascinated by low-light photography. It started as an extension of my job as the Director of Education for Johnson PhotoImaging (JPI), along with my passion for creating images in low light.
The group also maintains a Facebook Group Page as a way to engage and share with people who've attended past events — sharing images, tips, and tricks. The group page is an extension of my own Facebook Artist Page - Foto Dono.
Please join us as we continue learning and growing within this genre - Donovan, Dono, Foto Dono.
Previous Meetings have been uploaded to my YouTube Channel - Foto Dono
You can join the group online - here at the following social platforms.